I'm no baker... So what a non-baker can do is mix up things and with the help of the world wide web, search for easy to bake or simply kinda "not-oven-baked" cakes. After a thorough search, I've found this easy to prepare(and affordable) recipe to make a cake. Though it wasn't a perfect cake, atleast it was almost a cake. Hahaha. I love it because it's has a distinct taste in it. I'm also trying to recreate this recipe to make a chocolate cake. You can follow the instructions below and taste for yourself the cake cooked via a rice cooker - no oven needed.
Ricecooker Tatin cake
* 2 apples, peeled, cut into 8 wedges.
* 2 tbsp. butter
* 2 tbsp. cane sugar
* 70g (1/2 cup) all-purpose flour
* 50g (1/4) cup granulated sugar
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 3 tbsp melted butter
* two eggs
* a pinch of salt
* a drop of oil
Cooking Instructions:
** I forgot the site in which I found this recipe. Kindly inform me if you know the site which I got this so that I can give credits to it. Thanks and enjoy!!!
Ricecooker Tatin cake
* 2 apples, peeled, cut into 8 wedges.
* 2 tbsp. butter
* 2 tbsp. cane sugar
* 70g (1/2 cup) all-purpose flour
* 50g (1/4) cup granulated sugar
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 3 tbsp melted butter
* two eggs
* a pinch of salt
* a drop of oil
Cooking Instructions:
- In a non-stick pan, heat gently 2 tbsp butter, add the apples, toss them around a little and let cook at medium heat for about 5 minutes.
- Add 3 tbsp cane sugar, mix delicately and let cook until caramelized.
- Grease the rice cooker’s bowl with a drop of oil and pour the apples and all the remaining caramel into the bowl.
- Arrange the apples to cover the bottom of the bowl.
- Then put together all-purpose flour with the granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon baking powder, salt, melted butter and two eggs, mix well and pour this batter over the apples, covering them completely.
- Put everything back into the rice cooker and push the on-button.
** I forgot the site in which I found this recipe. Kindly inform me if you know the site which I got this so that I can give credits to it. Thanks and enjoy!!!